Many steps have been taken in our School Campus. At the beginning of the academic year 2010-2011 we have formed 'The General Mobile Squad' comprising Principal, Vice Principal ,class teachers, students representatives and representatives of Non-teaching faculty. For each class there is a Mini Squad led by the concerned class teacher and the class Monitors.
On the reopening day of the Academic Year itself the parents along with the students had been given instructions to avoid the use of mobile in our school premises. Class teachers have been given strict instructions by the principal to make the students aware about strict actions taken if they are found using mobile on the class rooms as well as campus. Misuse of mobiles it adverse effect and contemporary incidents are discussed and evaluated within the classroom especially in language classes.
On the whole we think that most of our students are well aware about the “Mobile Mania” and it's adverse effects. Definitely our campaign against the use of Mobiles in our campus has been a great success.
“ Technology is only for the supreme welfare of the society.So don't misuse it“